Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last weekend we were able to have a much needed family getaway.  Some close friends parents have a house in Winter Park, CO and let us stay for a couple of days.  The payment was for us to watch their cute dogs.  Needless to say my kiddos had a blast being out in the mountains and have shown us that they are ready to have their OWN dog.  I know, I know we aren't dog people, but you should see them with dogs, we feel like they are missing out in life.  Here are some cute pictures from our hike and fun weekend.  More to come later.....


The Cagle's said...

precious picks!!! Hey, I have a dog for you!!!

The Cagle's said...

precious pics... I have a dog for you!!

Jill Cornelius said...

Hi Cherise! I'm not sure if you remember me or not... We were in your ABF back at LP. I found your blog through Leigh Ann's.

Your pictures are very good... Your kiddos have gotten so big.

Glad to hear you all are doing well!