Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Cuties....

Look at my sweet Christmas cuties.  No really, you have no idea what it took to get these shots, quite comical...but what a sweet Santa huh?  Happy early Christmas!  I hope your holiday is filled with giving and love.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let it snow!!!

This is what we woke up to this morning....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

Here are some pictures to show you what we have been up to this fall...

My princess and two super heros..

We all had fun dressing up, the general question from my kiddos was what are fifties people??

Levi's first day of pre-preschool...
Our neighborhood fall party....
The Leventhal's come to visit...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lucky Dog!

What a sweet puppy dog!  Today we added a precious new addition to our family....Lucky!  He is part black lab and part border collie.  Lucky is almost two years old, house trained, kennel trained and neutered, he met all of our criteria.  He weighs about 40 Lbs, the perfect size for the kids to play with.  We have been looking for a sweet dog for our kiddos and he is perfect!  He is our families early christmas present.  We found him on craig's list, a family was moving to L.A. and couldn't take him with them so they gave him to a good home, US!!!!  The boys and Julieann are so excited, it is good for them to have some more responsibility.  What a Lucky Dog!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last weekend we were able to have a much needed family getaway.  Some close friends parents have a house in Winter Park, CO and let us stay for a couple of days.  The payment was for us to watch their cute dogs.  Needless to say my kiddos had a blast being out in the mountains and have shown us that they are ready to have their OWN dog.  I know, I know we aren't dog people, but you should see them with dogs, we feel like they are missing out in life.  Here are some cute pictures from our hike and fun weekend.  More to come later.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Summer Fun....

Our summer has flown by!  I can't believe that we are starting school in just a few days!  We have enjoyed sleeping in, going on hikes in Boulder, playing games, reading, swimming, celebrating brothers birthdays, our first family camping trip to Mount Rushmore and most of all Sundays spent with our new church family of Watermark Denver.  There will be more to come, I promise as soon as I catch my breath on life....

Monday, May 26, 2008

Such is life.....

Well I know it has been a while, excuses.  Today was Memorial Day and Michael and I threw a rather large back yard BBQ that went a little askew with the horrible cold, wet rainy weather.  We didn't have quite the turn out we hoped for but God is definitely moving and working!  We really are having fun and enjoying ourselves, although this is the hardest venture we have ever endured.  We are looking forward to this coming weekend and next week as our sending home church is coming to Estes Park for family came.  Estes is about an hour from us and we can't wait to see some old friends.  I will post some more pictures and information about up coming events later this week, keep praying.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Calling all chocolate lovers

Join me ladies for some good treats, fellowship and some life long relationships!  I am having our first ladies community time at my house tomorrow night.  Email me if you are interested for more info on address and phone.  I am looking forward to getting to know some ladies in the Denver area and I am hoping to build some strong relationships out of our time together.  It will be fun to see where God takes us on this journey together and to see and hear about life change.  See you tomorrow, bring your sweet tooth!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hello All.  I am sorry it has been so long since my last entry, a few of you have reminded me of how long it has been...well I titled this entry bitter-sweet because that is how life seems right now.  We are getting settled and are really loving our new house, neighborhood, and friends.  But I sincerely miss my family and friends.  God is good and faithful.  I truly feel blessed and loved, but I do have to remind myself of that at times, because it can be lonely.  My sister-in-law, Chandra said that these first few weeks and months are the busiest, slowest time of our lives.  Chandra and her husband planted a church, Copperhill Community Church, five years ago in southern California.  So if anyone understands how weird this time is she would.  It is busy because we have so much to do, calls, emails, meetings to make/have that 24 hours in a day aren't enough.  But slow because it feels like things are moving at a snails pace, at least to me.  We have had ALOT of family time and togetherness.  The boys start school on tuesday and are very excited.  We have met our three surrounding neighbors and our boys have made a couple of friends.  We went over to our next door neighbors house and talked about church, religion and the idea of us planting a church.  I think they thought we were crazy but nice people.  We are looking forward to developing that relationship.  
God is teaching me so much right now, one of the biggest things He has revealed to me is how selfish I am and can be, duh??  Right?  Well just being here is such a blessing and answer to prayer for so many years, but at times I feel like Thomas, the doubting disciple.  "Lord, I know you brought us out here to start a movement for you and your kingdom, but I am lonely and want things to happen now, on my timing.  I do believe in you and your word, but will you just show me your hands and feet so I can just MAKE SURE?"  How sad that must make my Savior feel.  So, for you prayer warriors out there or Thomas's like me will you pray along side of me that this amazing yet hard journey will never be about me or my selfish desires, but Christs glory alone!  I pray that we daily, hourly die to ourselves and our selfish desires and aim to live our life for Christ.  "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  Phil 1:21.  Until next time....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Time to sell....

Ok, I know it has been a while, since I have summited an entry, since last year to be exact! But life has been moving fast and furious around the Fleming home. Yesterday we officially put a sign in our yard to sell our house. Last friday I had a garage sale and sold a bunch of stuff, I also sold some big items on craigs list. We have been doing home improvement projects, like me staying up till 10:30 last night painting my doors, all 14 and base boards. Whew! I am tired just thinking about it all! Michael is going to Denver for another vision trip the first of February and I will be meeting him on the weekend to find a house/apartment to rent, so please pray! We are finishing up things here in Dallas, support rasing and team building then we will transition ourselves on the ground in Denver sometime in March if all goes well. It is such a scary and thrilling place to be, but keeping our eyes focused on Christ and the journey He is taking us on is what is keeping us going. I rest today in Psalm 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."